Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

3-2 Class Meeting

3-2 Class Meeting

Q Purpose The purpose of this class meeting is to enable students and professors to communicate and discuss ideas in real time. Action Items 1. Complete and submit the multiple choice and short answer questions before the scheduled class time. 2. Have a copy of the assignment with you and be prepared to discuss it. 3. Join the session and actively participate in the class discussion. 4. If unable to attend: a. View the recorded meeting. b. Create a discussion post that includes the following, in bullet point format: ? Insights gained from the meeting (list a minimum of 3) c. Read and respond to one other student’s summary. d. Complete your initial post and response to another student posting by the Sunday following the meeting. Grading Criteria Read the assignment rubric to understand how your work will be assessed.

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• I think the most important take away from the week three lecture is the definition of a contract. A contract must consist of an agreement, the consideration, contractual capacity, and a legal object. Understanding this is important when discussing the purchasing of the tv for 49 dollars that Keith wants. The company never intended to sell the tv for 49 dollars and never identified who they were specifically selling the tv to, therefore there isn’t really an offer. An advertisement is only an invitation to trade, it’s not an agreement. It's also important to understand that the newspaper made the mistake in the advertisement, not the company selling the tv.